Map of Our Travels in Spain
Scroll down below the map for a quick summary

Following is a quick summary of our travels in Spain with the length of our stay at each destination.

  • US to Rome to Barcelona by plane - 2 weeks
  • Barcelona to Madrid by train - 6 weeks
    - Overnight trip to Segovia - 2 days
    - Overnight trip to Toledo - 2 days
    - Day trip to El Escorial
  • Madrid to Cordoba by train - 4 days
  • Cordoba to Sevilla by train - 4 days
  • Sevilla to SanLucar de Barrameda (Donana National Park) by bus - 2 days
  • SanLucar to Jerez to Algeciras by bus - 2 days
    - Day trip to Gibraltar
  • Algeciras to Granada by train - 4 days
  • Granada to Madrid by plane - overnight
  • Madrid to Brussels by plane - 2 months