Principles of People Friendly Cities
People Friendly Cities have...
- Pleasing and Efficient Physical Form
- Distinctive, charming, appealing buildings of distinguished design that create a strong sense of place
- The sense of sacred and respected space through preeminent municipal and commercial buildings and evocative cultural structures
- Fully connected lanes, streets and boulevards
- Mixed land uses within neighborhoods to create vibrant urban places
- A wide range of housing choices, including a diversity of affordable options
- Reduced water and energy use, and minimized emissions of air pollutants and climate changing gases through green building methods and materials
- Infrastructure to prevent water pollution, reduce solid waste, enable use of energy from renewable sources, and permit water reuse
- Mobility Options
- An appealing, convenient, effective pedestrian environment
- Safe, convenient bicycle pathways
- An available, efficient and affordable system of bus, subway, tram and other transit
- Reduced need for private vehicle trips
- Natural World Connections
- Parks, Open Space, Gardens, Historical and Archaeological Sites, Recreational Areas or even a Beach, All Within Easy Reach of City Dwellers.
- Farmland, watershed, and wildlife habitat beyond the urban edge
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